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Free/Cheap (items available at the time of posting):
Skin--Amacci Skin - Katie (Vanilla) - Group Gift Twirl - Cleavage (group gift in store, subo history #1 or join in-world group)
Eyes--negaposi <<< np >>> Silent eyes - RUST (30L per set, includes prim eyes)
Eyelashes--[ glow ] Clean thick 04 (40L, The Dressing Room item)
Facial tattoo--M.O.C.K Cosmetics [mock] Iron Oxide Too Cotton Candy Makeover (eye/lip) (one of many group gifts in notices, 250L join fee, other gifts also available in store)
Body tattoo--:Wicked Tattoos: Life COLOR (MM item)
Dress--Red Mint (r)M ~ Leather Dress (v.01) (group gift in store)

Poses--Tuty's & MrSIGMUND (15L individual pose)
MrS-Bond girl37
MrS-Bond girl22

Past offers (items expired or no longer available, check store for other offers):

Choker--love always

Posted by Abra Zelin