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Got Panties?

The 3rd Annual Starlust Panty Raid began today at all 10 billion Starlust locations.  Unlike other Panty Raids where most of the hunt items were panties (thus the name Panty Raid) a whole bunch of other lovely, silly, stupid and inspirational items to improve your SL and make you highly intelligent can be found for 0 or 1 L.  You can start the hunt anywhere and roam where your heart fancies...this hunt isn't numbered and the clams (as seen in the picture) are scattered all over.  They may or may not be near the store that they are representing.  So plan on fun and mystery.  
I have no intention of showing a million hunt items as I've just started to explore the sims and I know that  more clams may be scattered about as time goes on.  The following are the sims where gold clams will be hidden:  Herman Melville, Harold - Anchor City/Area 408, Harold - Catty Campground, Floyd, Lloyd, Horst, Bill, Eugene, Gaylord and Elliot.

Shape: (census) Creepy Panty Man shape: Panty Raid Hunt Prize: 1 L (found on Horst)
Manties: Strumpet: Fightchoo in Cherrypopper: 1 L (found on Harold)
Pose: Don't Freak Out!: I can't believe I gave my panties to a geek: 1 L (found on Harold)
Hair: Exile: Zack in BlackCherry: not free
Skin: Pulse: Generation 30's - Tone 7/Hipster-Light Chest Hair (darn): not free and may no longer be available but boy does it work with this shape: not free