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Cute, Hot & Fun Finds


Got a few sweet treats to show you lovely readers you 8D. Enjoy!


This dollarbie outfit from *Salire is so cute and versatile, win! There are 2 different styles of skirt and a pantaloonish shorts option. The skin is from one of the many lucky boards at ::: I CE COCO ::: .

Indyra's Group Gift

Yummy yummy Indyra's Originals sent out this amazing pink prim vest as a gift for group members. There's a resize script in it, it's very user friendly and it didn't take me long to adjust it to fit. The skin in this pic is a freebie from Viv.a! . The sexy top is a freebie from Convoitise and these funky heels are a limited time dollarbie from Sole Sisters. BTW there's a promotion there where everything with the color white has been reduced to 1L for a short time.


I love colorful nail polish! If you do too, then go grab these cutiepatooties. They're from a store called *pulcino*. Everything there is 5L or less including some freebies. The gatcha machines are 1L a pop. The poses here are made especially for showing nails, rings, and bracelets. A very clever pose niche, you can find them at ACTCHIO.

Woot! All done for now. xoxo


Look 1

Skin - :::I CE COCO::: - Lucky Board

Outfit - *Salire - Dollarbie

Not Free

Hair - Boon

Shoes - Kookie

Look 2

Skin - Viv.a!

Vest - Indyra's Originals - Join group and check the notices.

Top - Convoitise

Shoes - Sole Sisters - Limited Time Dollarbie

Not Free

Leggings - Izzie's

Hair - No longer available , my apologies.

Look 3

All are the same as look 2 and the nails can be found at *pulcino*

Special Poses For Hands - ACTCHIO. Not Free